Thursday, May 16, 2024

Wings part 22

Riveted the bottom two outside skins for the left wing.  Deburred prepped and primed the bottom center skin for the left wing.

After priming the two bottom outside skins for the left wing.

Riveted the skin to front spar rivets on the bottom skin on the left wing at the root end.  These get countersunk rivets.

All done!  Some holes remain empty for now.

Riveted the rest of the root skin nose rivets.

And this doubler plate.  There are 4 different kind of rivets on this doubler.

Nose ribs all riveted.

Riveting the nose ribs on the left bottom outboard skin.

Nose ribs done.

Turned the wing around and riveted the main ribs to the bottom skin.

All done....

Prepped and primed the left wing's bottom center skin.

All primed.  Those splotches are sunlight that was making shadows.

Riveted the bottom center skin nose ribs.

Another 1000 rivets down!  Over 7000 so far!.

Riveting the bottom center skin main ribs.

The bottom of the left wing is all riveted!  Yay!  That is a ton of rivets!

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