Friday, May 24, 2024

Wings part 29

Today I prepped and primed the top wing skins for the right wing.

Taking advantage of the solar energy to dry the skins.  Left one only has tack coat on it and is drying.  Right one is finished.

Rivets aft of the spar.

All done with the nose ribs riveted.  Also the wing walk doubler.

That was a ton of work to get done in one work session!  My fingers are sore from placing and pulling over a 1000 rivets.

There will be no updates till at least next Wednesday as we are going glamping with the 5th wheel for Memorial day.

See you next week!

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Wings part 28

Working on the right wing's bottom skins tonight.  For some reason this seams like déjà vu!

Riveted the inboard bottom skin onto the right wing skeleton back to the main spar.

And then the outboard bottom skin back to the main spar.

And finally the center bottom skin back to the main spar.

Another thousand rivets pulled!

Then I riveted all the bottom skins aft of the main spar.

Then I flipped the wing and riveted the top skins per the KAI's.  Only 5 rivets up to allow room for the top aft skins to fit into the rib notches.

Then I riveted in the flaperon hinge brackets.  Much easier since I left the corner rivet out of the rib doubler until after the hinge was riveted in.

And the other one.

Tomorrow is priming the rest of the top skins and riveting them.  Hopefully I will get them done before the weekend camping trip.  Won't be able to work on the plane till next Wednesday.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Wings part 27

 Went to my daughter's piano recital tonight so I did not have much time to work on the wing skins.  

Builder tip: If you are married and/or have kids.  Make them a priority over the build!  

I did get this doubler drilled and riveted to the skeleton.  It takes three different kinds of rivets.  Even uses the special closed end rivets normally used for fuel tanks.  Have no idea why they are used on the right wing because there is nothing under them unlike the left wing where there is.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Wings part 26

 Today I prepped and primed the bottom skins for the right wing.  

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Wings part 25

 Finished up riveted the top skins on the left wing.

The aft end of the top skins on the left wing all riveted.

Finished up another box of rivets.  This puts me at over 8000 LP4-3 rivets pulled so far.  Tons more of other sizes and not to mention the solid rivets!

And with riveting the leading edge down, the main skins on the left wing are done!