Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Fuselage center section #90 - Fuel Tank part 2!

Continued the prep for the fuel tank assembly.

They have you cleco all the ribs into the top skin.  Then cleco the bottom skin onto the assy.

Then match drill these two outboard holes in the outboard ribs.

Then the fuel inlet is match drilled to the assy.  At first I cleco'ed the unit to the skin but it left a huge gap. So I removed the clecos and just held it into place while match drilling up to #30.  This virtually eliminated the gap :)
There is one hole that must be drilled and cleco'ed from the inside.

Next they have you test the fit of the fuel level indicator,

And then you bend the fuel level sender per the directions.  The sender I received was not made like the one in the KAI's.  Therefore I just made it look as close as possible to the full size template in the directions.

Next I had to countersink the nutplate attach rivet holes in the inspection cover.   Make sure the little notch is on the left of the large notch at the bottom.

Then they have you rivet the nutplates to the cover.  I only have a 2.5" yoke so two of the rivets could not be squeezed.  So instead I just back riveted those two with the rivet gun and back rivet set that I have used for prior projects.

Temporarily screwed the inspection cover onto the tank.  Also have the sender screwed to the cover.

Tweaked the sender float arm to ensure accuracy on the low end.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Fuselage center section #89 - Fuel Tank!

Since the fuel tank comes in the fuse kit, the fuse kit is not done until the fuel tank is done!

The KAI's have you dimple some holes that are not dimpled at the factory.  Who knows why but most of the dimples are already done by the factory.

Then they have you machine countersink the nutplate attach holes for both the fuel level indicator and the access plate which holds the fuel level sender.

These get the flush pulled rivets.  They are not as robust as the regular pulled rivets as the stem gets pulled out.

Then the access plate nutplates get riveted on with solid rivets.

Next the directions have you dimple the ribs so they mate with the skins.

Next is a whole lot of countersinking!  Make sure you make two mirror images otherwise you will be ordering new parts!

This mount tab needs a couple countersunk holes.

Then this angle piece gets riveted on.  The center hole ends up getting match drilled for a bolt.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Fuselage center section #88 - avionics deck!

Tonight I finished the avionics deck and top turtledeck skin. Riveted the instrument panel mount flanges to the top skin.  Then riveted the grab handle ribs to the top skin.

Then screwed this temporary plate that simulates the instrument panel. This stiffens everything up for canopy install etc.  It eventually gets removed and replaced by the instrument panel.

The fuselage is officially done with the exception of the fuel tank.

Next task: FUEL TANK!