Saturday, December 7, 2024

Canopy fairing part 12

Now time to start shaping this canopy fairing.

Just a few of my tools to get this surface ready for primer.

After rough shaping I marked any obvious low spots that will need more filler.

You can see that the filler is doing its job flattening the waves.

The key takeaway here is to always use a sanding block or tool when doing this to prevent extra work.  You don't want to sand all the high spots down so much that you eliminate your low spots.  This will thin the glass to a point where it will be weak.  Once you start sanding into the weave, stop and add more filler in the lows.

Scott's video on the Van's Youtube channel mentions this as well.  Sand to a shape not to a finish.  

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Canopy fairing part 11

Put the canopy back on the airplane to slather a layer of epoxy and micro as filler.  Went thick on the areas I knew were low spots.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Canopy fairing part 10

Flipped the canopy over and started cleaning up the glass and the relief for the seal.

Had a few places that needed some filler due to voids and such.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Canopy Fairing Part 9

Today I marked the cutline for the fairing using the template supplied.  The design has changed since this template was last updated because the forward hole on the template does not exist on the canopy side rails.

Sides marked...plenty of overhang left over which is good.

I connected the lines from one side to the other in order to mark the front edge of the fairing.

I then used the Dremel to surgically trim up to about 1/16 away from the edge of the line.

If you don't have one of these diamond cuttoff wheels, GET ONE!  They work very well on this fiberglass.  Hardly any wear on it and it does not heat up the epoxy like the reinforced fiber ones do.

I then used a larger diameter sanding drum in the drill to get the large radius corner.  I used a sanding block to sand the long straight edges to the line.

I used a small diameter sanding drum to get the small radius corner to comply.