Saturday, December 16, 2023

Wings part #8

Started the task of prepping all the wing ribs today.

Fluted all the fwd ribs.

Marked some of the FWD ribs for removing the built in mount flange.  Why they put them there just to have you cut them off will remain a mystery.

Goodbye mount flanges.

For the inboard ribs that connect to the front stub spar, they have you remove these front most flanges.

Cut these hinge mount ribs appart.

Fluted all the aft ribs.

And for some they have you cut the mount flange off.

Then I spent about two hours pulling all the blue film off the ribs!

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Wings part #7

Wing spar assembly....

Riveted the inboard hinge brackets together.  The KAI's say to put the rivets in random.  I did not and they turned out fine.

Tip attach angles get riveted to the aft spars.

Aft spar doublers  get riveted.  Pay attention to which ones to leave out and what type of rivet goes where!

These get riveted on with solid rivets.  On the inboard side only for now!

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Wings Part #6!

Primed all of the spar and hinge parts of the wing.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Wings part #5!

Prepping the wing structure for priming.

Should be able to get these primed after work tomorrow.  It is getting harder to have good weather for priming,  

On top of all of this Van's filled chapter 11 and we are trying to determine what our path forward is.  More to come here!