Thursday, June 20, 2024

Break time - Army Reunion

 This weekend we are flying to San Antonio for my reunion with my Army buddies that I served with during Operation Desert Shield/Storm.   I have not seen some of these brothers for more than 32 years!

Remember freedom is not free!  It is because of the sacrifices made by folks like these that allow us to be able to do many of the things we do and take for granted!

This is just one of the 8 troops we had represented.  This was my troop "T" for Tomahawk troop.  We were the maintenance troop for the squadron.  My MOS was 67T which basically means I was a BlackHawk crew chief/door gunner/mechanic.  

All of the wives that attended.  They are very special to be able to put up with us!

Due to the venue we did not get a group picture this year.  Here is last year's picture.  We had somewhere around 70 troopers this year which was a big increase over the past years.  

Several of our squadron's officers went on to have great success in their careers.  We have a two star as well as a one star general and several full bird colonels in our group.

We also had the honor of serving with Command Sergeant Major Patterson whom is a Vietnam era Medal of Honor recipient. Citation Here

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wings part 43

Scrubbed all these parts for priming.

And then primed them.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Monday, June 17, 2024

Wings Part 41

Still working on the flaperons.

Had to cut these hinge brackets out.

These are pretty thick and need some serious deburring.

All done.

Got to work on deburring all these parts.  There are a ton of holes and linear inches around all those skins!