Thursday, August 29, 2024

Brakes part 2

 Finished up the brakes today.

Finished up the brakes today by securing the brake lines that connect to the top of the gear legs.

The lines get secured to the aft bulkhead with a zip tie.  My big arms and hands had to work hard to get this done.

And finally the line gets terminated to the gear leg fitting and zip tied to the inner gear leg mounting strap.  Connecting this line was no fun.  Getting the nut started on the fitting was no fun.  Tightening the nut was no fun.  Nothing was fun about this simple task........

To tighten this nut, I had to modify an open end wrench to be able to turn the nut in the limited space.  I had to grind down the sides of the wrench near the open end flats.  Would have been good to cut the boxed end off as well to allow more clearance but I made due without doing that.

Virtually impossible to torque these nuts so I just did it by feel.  Maybe they won't leak!  :)

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