Monday, June 24, 2024

Wings part 44

Back from San Antonio and working on the flaperons. 

First I riveted these hinge brackets to the nose ribs.

And then riveted them to the spars along with the other half of the system that slides into the slot on the flaperon torque tube.  These being pre-made saved a ton of work!

Then I riveted the ribs to the spar.

And the other nose rib.

And the tie down brackets.  Again, these being pre-made saved a ton of work.

Then I riveted on the counterbalance assembly.

And the other tie down bracket.

Rinse and repeat for the other flap.

Then I riveted the aft skins to the structure of the right flap.

They have you use these special fuel tank baffle rivets due to the clearance issues with the rivets being on opposite sides and close together.  I don't care for these rivets because they end up deforming the skins a little bit and the stem does not always break off flush.

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