Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Wings part 33

Tonight I got started by finishing the access door hardware for the left wing.

All 10 nutplates installed after dimpling the rivet holes and the screw holes.

Hatch installed with flat head screws.  I will change these to stainless after paint.

I then moved on to closing out the right wing's wingtips,  Primed and installed this rib.

This bottom skin transistion.

And folded the hand hold reinforcement per the KAI's and riveted it on.

Then I installed the aft half of the top skin.

And finally the forward skin that wraps around the leading edge and meets up with the aft bottom transition piece.

A peek from the front underside.

A peek from the aft underside.

I did not use my normal primer on these parts because it was raining and I wanted to get this done.  I just used some self etching rattle can primer after I scuffed and cleaned the parts.

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