Saturday, October 14, 2023

Fuselage center section #63 - Rollover bar!

 Today I was not feeling the best but pushed thru to do some work on the rollover bar.

The stickers that were on the rollover bar parts were like something I have never seen.  Like Kryptonite or something.  Took be forever to get these things off the parts.  I used heat, solvent, Goo Off, etc.  Nothing worked well!

Then I deburred the rollover bar parts.  Took a while cause these things are thick and tought!

Van's provides these pre machined works of art to mount the rollover bar to the fuse.  When  I built my RV7, I had to whittle these out of heavy angle.

Next after all parts that make up the rollover bar are deburred and edges were treated, I cleco'ed it all together.  That is allot of cleco's!

The latch parts cleco'ed on!

The latch switch mount cleco'ed.

Got the rollbar mounted to the brackets bolted to the fuselage.  This require a bit of force to get it to go down over the brackets.  Don't skip the step to add Boelube to the bracket!  Also don't skip the step to break the outside edges of the brackets.  Do this to all the outside edges, not just the outboard edges!

Ready for match drilling!

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