Thursday, September 28, 2023

Fuselage center section #47 - Fuel Lines!

 Started working on the long fuel lines that travel from the bypass fitting assembly in the center channel all the way back to the tank and fuel filter.

Its been a loooong time since I used this bad boy.  Flared the end of the line after straightening and cutting it to length per the KAI's.

Don't forget to put the bushing and nut on the tube!

Measuring to the start of the first bend.

Then bending to 89 degrees.  There is a little bit of spring back.  You have to go past the desired angle but this is done by feel and experience.  Will have to learn that again!

Checking the bend per the plans.  Perfect match!

To get this thing in, you have to bend it in a huge arc.  Make the radius as large as possible.  Don't let the edge of the bulkhead scratch the tube and don't let the tube scratch the bottom skin.

Work the tube into the snap bushings and into the slots on the systems mount blocks.  The tube starts in the third one to the left but then moves to the second notch on the fwd two blocks.  Go slow, work the tube by hand and it will bend.

I then mocked up the fuel tank so I can land the aft end of the tube on the tanks fittings.

Looks like it may work!

Temp connected the tube to the tank fitting.

Then after massaging the tube bends and putting the joggles in at the bulkhead bushings and the system blocks, I was able to mark the end of the bypass assembly fitting.

I then added 0.100" to this mark to allow for the flare.

Don't forget to put the bushing and nut on the tube!

After cutting the tube with a small tubing cutter, I used the 90 degree drill and a countersink bit to deburr the inside of the tube.

I then blew out the tube from the tank side to clear any chips.

And here is where not having the bottom skin fully riveted allows me to use this flaring tool to flare these tubes.  Worked great!

All done!  The flare came out great!

Temp connected to the bypass fitting assy.

Very pleased with how this turned out!

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