Sunday, September 10, 2023

Fuselage center section #31 - Foot floor area part prep

 Got to move another area forward to the foot rib area of the forward fuse:

So the RV7 had a ton of parts that had to be fabricated out of heavy stock like this.  The 12 not so much and I am grateful.  I have been dreading having to deal with these but here we are.

After separating the 4 parts out of the angle, I cleaned up the ends nice and square using the disc sander with a brand new piece of sandpaper.  This made this easy and did not heat up the parts too bad.

Next was marking the parts per the drawing.  There are two different parts here and each have mirrors of each other for a total of four parts.   Extreme caution is used to prevent removing or damaging fingers.  Fresh blades cut this stuff like butter.

Measure three times and cut once.  Pay careful attention to which version of the part you have and watch the mirrored features!

The narrow flange is common to all four parts.

The wide side is where the differences are.  Two of them are much wider than the other two.

All done!

The two center ribs get dimpled for future flush rivets.  Use the 120° dimple dies here because these will get pulled rivets and pulled are 120° and solid rivets are 100°.

The lower outside most rib flange gets dimpled.  Use the 120° dimple dies.

The matching hole in the bulkhead also gets dimpled with the 120° dies.

The bulkhead gets dimpled for a couple nutplates.

Ready to tear it all down and prep for primer....

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